Re-edition of the iconic l.a.Eyeworks model : Burbank

Gai Gherardi and Barbara McReynolds, designers of the l.a.Eyeworks collection, have created a surprise for spring 2016. They have re-edited the iconic model Burbank from their rich frame archives. The first édition in 1988 astonished the world of optics, then still quite conventional.
The end of the 1980’s was dominated by rimless frames, nearly invisible, so Gai and Barbara designed an ultra-minimalist geometric frame with right angles and flat lenses, a prefectly trendy ripost, a signature of the california brand.
Again today, the Burbank, made from coblat and beta titanium, hand made in Japan in a limited-edition series, illustrâtes itself by it’s audacious conception and it’s fine and discrète lines quite opposite of the actual market tendency.
Burbank l.a.Eyeworks